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Health management

Excellent health management corporation

Kaneko MediX, Inc. Concept of health management initiatives

 Kaneko MediX, Inc. declares that all employees, including management, strive to maintain and improve the health of each individual, and engage in health management, believing that physical and mental health is paramount.

 Along with the realization that healthy management is directly linked to the health of employees, the idea of ​​health management is that ``Efforts to maintain and improve employee health are an investment that increases company productivity and profitability,'' and health management is viewed from a management perspective. Based on the idea of ​​"Thinking and implementing it strategically," the entire company strives to ensure that each and every employee is conscious and concerned about their health, and strives to maintain and improve their health.


Tochigi Health Management Declaration

 We have been promoting Tochigi Health Management since 2017, issued the Tochigi Health Management Declaration Certificate, promoted our efforts, and were certified as a Healthy Organization in 2018, and have continued our activities to this day.
We would like to inform you that on October 2023, 10, the Tochigi Health Management Declaration will come into effect, expand the scope of our activities, and continue our efforts.

Kaneko MediX, Inc.
Tsukinukizawa 342-17, Nasushiobara City, Tochigi Prefecture
FAX: 0287-36-5827

Manufacturing of medical injection needles

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